Monday, September 30, 2019

Stress, Anger, Time and Conflict Management Essay

1. Avoid unnecessary stress. Learn how to say â€Å"no†. Avoid people who stress you out. Take control of your environment. Avoid hot-button topics. Pare down your to-do lists. 2. Alter the situation. Express your feelings instead of bottling them up. Be willing to compromise. Be more assertive. Manage your time better. 3. Accept the things you can’t change. Don’t try to control the uncontrollable. Look for the upside. Share your feelings. Learn to forgive. 4. Adapt to the stressor. Reframe problems. Look at the big picture. Adjust your standards. Focus on the positive. B. Stress Reduction Tips 1. Nurture yourself Set aside relaxation time. Connect with others. Do something you enjoy every day. Keep your sense of humor. 2. Healthy stress reducers Go for a walk. Spend time in nature. Talk to a supportive friend. Sweat out tension with a good workout. Do something for someone else. Write in your journal. Take a long bath. Play with a pet. Work in your garden. Get a message. Curl up with a good book. Take a yoga class. Listen to music. Watch a comedy. 3. Adopt a healthy lifestyle. Exercise regularly. Eat a healthy diet. Reduce caffeine and sugar. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. Get enough sleep. C. Unhealthy Ways of Coping with Stress Smoking Self-medicating with alcohol or drugs Using sleeping pills or tranquilizers to relax Overeating or eating too little Sleeping too much Procrastinating Withdrawing from friends, family, and activities Filling up every minute of the day to avoid facing problems Anger Management Redford Williams’ 12-Step Approach for Dealing with Unconstructive Anger 1. Maintain a â€Å"Hostility Log†. 2. If you do, acknowledge that you have a problem managing anger. 3. Use your support network. 4. Use anger management techniques to interrupt the anger cycle. Pause. Take deep breaths. Tell yourself you can handle the situation. Stop the negative thoughts. 5. Use empathy. 6. Laugh at yourself. 7. Relax. 8. Build trust. 9. Listen. 10. Be assertive. 11. Live each day as if it is your last. 12. Forgive Time Management and Conflict Management A. How to Manage Your Time 1. Create a schedule or to-do list. Write down deadlines for accomplishing certain tasks. 2. Plan to tackle difficult projects at the times of day when you are most alert. 3. Schedule time for people, including time for yourself. Create some personal time by waking up half an hour earlier or going to bed half an hour later than usual; plan a weekly date with your spouse, or arrange to have lunch with friends. 4. Prioritize what you need to accomplish. â€Å"Pareto’s principle† states that 80 percent of your accomplishments come from 20 percent of your effort, so think strategically: Locate and isolate this valuable 20 percent, then focus your efforts on the tasks that promise the greatest rewards. A. How to set priorities Priority 1: Red: Today/Tomorrow (Day) Priority 2: Orange: 3-7 Days (Week) Priority 3: Yellow: 2-3 weeks (Month) Priority 4: Later this year†¦(Wish List) B. Be realistic when assigning priorities to your tasks. C. Start work on any red tasks first – however awful, boring or frightening they are. The trick to keeping calm and balanced is simple: forget about all the complex planning. Work out what truly needs to be done next and do it. When it’s done, repeat the procedure. D. Start on the orange task next. Don’t even think about any yellow ones until all the reds and oranges are done. If any new tasks arrive, give them a color and put them on the list. Next morning, make a new list and reallocate the tasks into the colors. E. Keep track of your progress. After one week, take 15 minutes to go through the yellow (month) items. Cross all those that have solved themselves off the list. Do the same for those  that you can now see were never important anyway. You’ll be amazed how many there are. Underline those you can remove by: delegating them, using technology rather than your time and attention, or creating a routine for handling them so you can delegate or pass them to someone else. Make a red item to deal with them right away by whatever means is appropriate. 5. Delegate as many chores as you can. Hand out projects to subordinates at work. 6. Learn to say no to nonessential demands on your time. Don’t volunteer for a committee if you don’t have time, and decline invitations to events you don’t have time to attend. 7. Overcome procrastination. Don’t procrastinate. Setting aside high-priority items just because you don’t like doing them, or are boring, etc will obviously make keeping a to-do list useless. Grind through your to-do list and finish all red items first and foremost no matter how boring they are. After completing these daunting tasks, you can feel relieved. They won’t hang over your head and cause you stress later. 8. Avoid perfectionism. Don’t waste time obsessively perfecting a task when you could better spend the time on something else. B. Time Management for New Supervisors a. Maintain a calendar of appointments and keep it with you at all times. b. Write things down so you don’t forget. Maintain a â€Å"To do† list and prioritize the entries. c. Set realistic deadlines for yourself. Then, promise small and deliver big. If you think your team can get a project done by noon, promise it for 2:00 p.m. but deliver it at noon. d. When you are on a deadline, use your voicemail. Filter out all but essential telephone calls. e. Use e-mail instead of the telephone whenever possible. This will avoid the tendency people have to talk longer than is necessary to convey their information. f. With paperwork, practice the principle of â€Å"Do  It Now.† g. Always plan to arrive at scheduled appointments ten minutes early. It almost always takes longer to get there than you think. h. Practice gently helping people get to the point when they are talking to you. Save superfluous chatting for excess time after work. i. Hold impromptu and unscheduled â€Å"drop-in† meetings standing up. This will convey a sense of brevity to the person who wants some of your time. j. When you call a meeting, specify both a starting and an ending time. This will keep participants on track and on schedule. k. Get rid of unnecessary paper clutter. More than 80 percent of the paperwork filed is never used again. Ask yourself if you really need it before deciding to keep paperwork. C. TIME MANAGEMENT FOR SUPPORT PERSONNEL I. What My Boss Could Do that Would Help Me Perform My Job More Effectively 1. Discuss my job priorities with me so that we both have the same understanding of how I should be distributing my time and effort over the various activities of my job. 2. Give advance warning when big jobs are coming up so I can prepare for them. 3. Let me know when you are leaving the office, where you are going, and when you will return. 4. Write messages legibly. 5. Draft or outline memos so that multiple revisions are minimized. 6. Let me know what your priorities are so I can help you with the most important items. 7. Discuss my job, my job duties, and my career with me. 8. Call in or send email messages while on a trip for important messages that have come in while you’re away. 9. Have us meet each morning to discuss projects and priorities of the day. 10. Let me show you our file system so you can retrieve files yourself. 11. Try to give me all parts of a big job at once rather than in bits and pieces. 12. Show a little appreciation when I do a good job. 13. Get your own coffee when I am swamped with work. 14. Let me set up a message center where you can pick up your mail and other things. 15. Protect me from other managers. If I can’t count on you then I can’t count on anyone. 16. Give me a list of your appointments so I can anticipate things to do and prepare. 17. Give me clear instructions and directions and precise assignments. 18. Let me know about changes in your schedule, meetings, appointments, etc. 19. Please don’t refer to me as â€Å"just my staff† or â€Å"my gal† or â€Å"my girl.† 20. Provide me with some career guidance; I am ambitious just as you are. 21. Don’t make me a clerk; I want to and can do more. 22. Attend a time management for managers workshop. 23. Make a daily â€Å"to do† list and share it with me so I can anticipate how to plan my day. 24. Ask for and at least consider my ideas. I am not stupid and I want to contribute more. 25. If multiple bosses, work a priority system for the work that you all give me and let me administer your system rather than force me to make priority decisions upward for all of you. 26. Give the larger projects and jobs as early in the day as possible so I have time for completion. 27. Don’t spend so much time on chit-chat with me. It prevents me from doing my job. 28. Please don’t question or challenge everything I do. I want to be responsible and have the responsibility of my job. 29. When you communicate, please be specific. 30. Let me know how you want callers and visitors screened. We can work a system that will benefit both of us. 31. Don’t have me file a lot of unnecessary papers. Let’s toss out stuff that we both know we will never refer to again. 32. Give me reasonable deadlines for jobs. It really hurts to rush to meet your deadlines and then see those jobs sit on your desks for days (or weeks) untouched. 33. Don’t be a perfectionist. It takes too much of your time and mine. 34. Set up a follow-up system so we can both stay on top of things. 35. Let’s try and agree on time frames for jobs and projects. 36. Try to block certain times during the day for meetings rather than have them chop up the both of us continuously. 37. Trust me with confidential information that I need to do my job effectively. 38. When we are talking, please try to listen better. II. What I Could Do As A Support Personnel that Would Help My Boss to Work More Effectively 1. All the things under Item I would help the boss to work more effectively. 2. Let the boss know where I am at all times. 3. Sort mail of boss into three groups: critical, important, routine and toss out junk mail. 4. Help boss to maintain a daily â€Å"to do† list. 5. Keep my own daily â€Å"to do† list and coordinate with list of boss. 6. Remind boss of upcoming meetings, appointments, lunches, etc. 7. Screen and always try to help callers and visitors so at least some of them will not interrupt the boss. 8. Update my skills in the use of present technology in my job, including my time management skills. 9. Answer routine correspondence or outline or draft answers for approval of boss. 10. Ignore petty and superficial annoyances. 11. Schedule staff visitors so boss is not chopped up all day. 12. Schedule vendor visitors; require an appointment and suggest certain days for batching. 13. Work out a system for interrupting boss stuck with long-winded callers or visitors. 14. Make up file out-card system so boss knows where all files can be located. 15. Take the initiative and make suggestions such as form letters, forms, to help boss. 16. Keep equipment used by boss in proper condition. 17. Help boss to organize and maintain a neat work area. 18. Function as a sounding board for ideas of boss. 19. Keep pending and follow files to prevent procrastination and crises for boss. 20. Keep boss informed through progress reports of long-term projects I am working on. 21. Be sure supplies used by boss are always available. 22. Help boss by making most of the arrangements for meetings held by boss. Conflict Management What is conflict? Conflict is a natural disagreement resulting from individuals or groups that differ in attitudes, beliefs, values or needs. It can also originate from past rivalries and personality differences. Other causes of conflict include trying to negotiate before the timing is right or before needed information is available. Common causes of workplace conflict Limited resources (You have your needs and I have mine.) Incompatible goals (I want this and you want that.) Role ambiguity (Who is responsible for what?) Different values (You and I have different beliefs.) Different perspectives (You and I see things differently.) Communication problems (What do you mean?) Important things to know about conflict: Conflict is inevitable; Conflict develops because we are dealing with people’s lives, jobs, children, pride, self-concept, ego and sense of mission or purpose; Early indicators of conflict can be recognized; There are strategies for resolution that are available and DO work; Although inevitable, conflict can be minimized, diverted and/or resolved. Beginnings of conflict: Poor communication Seeking power Dissatisfaction with management style Weak leadership Lack of openness Change in leadership Conflict indicators: Body language Disagreements, regardless of issue Withholding bad news Surprises Strong public statements Airing disagreements through media Conflicts in value system Desire for power Increasing lack of respect Open disagreement Lack of candor on budget problems or other sensitive issues Lack of clear goals No discussion of progress, failure relative to goals, failure to evaluate the superintendent fairly, thoroughly or at all. Conflict is destructive when it: Takes attention away from other important activities Undermines morale or self-concept Polarizes people and groups, reducing cooperation Increases or sharpens difference Leads to irresponsible and harmful behavior, such as fighting, name-calling Conflict is constructive when it: Results in clarification of important problems and issues Results in solutions to problems Involves people in resolving issues important to them Causes authentic communication Helps releases emotion, anxiety, and stress Builds cooperation among people through learning more about each other; joining in resolving the conflict Helps individuals develop understanding and skills Techniques for avoiding and/or resolving subordinate-supervisor conflict: Meet conflict head on Set goals Plan for and communicate frequently Be honest about concerns Agree to disagree – understand healthy disagreement would build better decisions Get individual ego out of management style Let your team create – people will support what they help create Discuss differences in values openly Continually stress the importance of following policy Communicate honestly – avoid playing â€Å"gotcha† type games Provide more needed data and information. Develop a sound management system Causes of subordinate-supervisor conflict: Trying to be administrators; overstepping authority Making promises as members individually Involving themselves in labor relations Not doing their â€Å"homework† and failing to prepare for meetings Not following procedures for handling complaints Not keeping executive session information confidential Failing to act on sensitive issues Failing to be open and honest with the supervisor Making decisions based on preconceived notions Not supporting the supervisor – lack of loyalty Springing surprises at meetings Having hidden agendas Why conflict resolution skills are important To improve employee performance To maintain good customer service/satisfaction To ensure employee safety To protect employee health To reduce absenteeism and tardiness How conflict should be handled Determine how important the issue is to all people involved Determine whether all people involved are willing and able to discuss the issue in a positive manner Select a private place where the issue can be discussed confidentially by everyone involved Make sure that both sides understand they are responsible for both the problem and the solution Solicit opening comments from both sides. Let them express their concerns, feelings, ideas, and thoughts, but in a non-accusatory manner Guide participants toward a clear and specific definition of the problem Encourage participants to propose solutions while you listen carefully. Examine the problem from a variety of different perspectives and discuss any and all solutions proposed. Evaluate the costs versus the gains (cost-benefit analysis) of all proposed solutions and discuss them openly. Choose the best solution. Reflect on the issue and discuss the conflict resolution process. Encourage participants to express their opinions as to how the process might be improved. Listening improvement checklist to help resolve conflict Remove all distractions Put the speaker at ease Look directly at the speaker Concentrate on what is being said Watch for nonverbal cues Take note of the speaker’s tone Be patient and wait Ask clarifying questions Paraphrase and repeat No matter what is said, control your emotions How and when conflict should be stimulated Team members always agree with you and tell you only what you want to hear. Team members are afraid to admit they need help or that they’ve made mistakes. Team members focus more on reaching agreement that on arriving at the best decision. Team members focus more on getting along with others than on accomplishing objectives. Team members place more emphasis on being popular than on high job performance and competitiveness. Team members are highly resistant to change. The turnover rate is usually low. Team members avoid proposing new ideas. Communication in conflict situations Communicate the following messages when handling conflicts or potential conflicts: This situation is an opportunity to solve a problem cooperatively. There are guidelines we will follow in handling this situation and these guidelines are†¦ We will not engage in blaming and finger pointing. â€Å"If the horse you are riding dies, get off and find another one.† We will not cling to old ideas that are no longer valid. If you say you will do something, do it. Trust prevents conflict. Conflict Management Strategies When it is used Outcomes Drawbacks Collaboration – results from a high concern for the group’s own interests, matched with a high concern for the interest of other partners. Best strategy when society’s interest is at stake Best approach for managing conflict when it’s aimed at reaching consensus Win/win Helps build commitment and reduce bad feelings Takes time and energy Some partners may take advantage of the others’ trust and openness Guidelines for Reaching Consensus through Collaboration Avoid arguing over individual ranking or position. Present a position as logically as possible. Avoid â€Å"win-lose† statements. Discard the notion that someone must win. Avoid changing of minds only in order to avoid conflict and to achieve harmony. Avoid majority voting, averaging, bargaining, or coin flipping. These do not lead to consensus. Treat differences of opinion as indicative of incomplete sharing of relevant information, keep asking questions. Keep the attitude that holding different views is both natural and healthy to a group. View initial agreement as suspect. Explore the reasons underlying apparent agreement and make sure that members have willingly agreed. Compromise – results from a high concern for the group’s own interest with a moderate concern for the interests of other partners. Generally used to achieve temporary solutions, to avoid destructive power struggles or when time pressures exist. Win some/lose some Partners can lose sight of important values and long-term objectives. Can distract the partners from the merits of an issue and create a cynical climate. When it is used Outcomes Drawbacks Competition – results from a high concern for the group’s own interests with less concern for others. Generally used when basic rights are at stake or set a precedent. Win/lose Includes most attempts at bargaining Can cause conflict to escalate and losers may try to retaliate. Accommodation – results from a concern for the group’s own interests combined with a high concern for the interest of other partners Generally used when the issue is more important to others than to you. Appropriate when you recognize that you are wrong. Lose/win â€Å"Goodwill gesture† Your own ideas and concerns don’t get attention One may lose credibility and future influence. Avoidance – results from a concern for the group’s own interests coupled with a low concern for the interest of others. Generally used when the issue is trivial or other issues are more pressing. Used when confrontation has a high potential for damage or more information is needed. Lose/lose Important decisions may be made by default.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Absolutism and Democracy

What would happen if you got two different governments going head to head, fighting to see who is better? What if those two governments were Democracy and Absolutism? In the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries, they were both used, and one was more effective; But which one? In this time period, Absolutism was the best form of government, because it was effective and worked for the people. In an Absolutism government, or a Monarchy, it was believed the Kings worked with God, and He bestowed them with the power to be King.In Document Two, King James said, â€Å"Kings are not only God’s lieutenants upon earth†¦ But even by God himself they are called gods†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This is because the people believed Kings have powers similar to God’s. Kings can create and destroy; Can judge, but are not judged; Give life or send death. The people honestly believed because of this, they worked together with God. Their teamwork with God is why Kings were accepted by the people, a nd why Absolutism was accepted as well. Related article: Political Parties Are Pillars of DemocracyKings used fear to gain control over the people, which is why they didn’t fight against it. Machiavelli wrote in The Prince that a prince needs to be feared by the people; Not loved and well liked. He would be incapable of being able to hold power over the people. If there wasn’t a King, then there would be no control in the government. People would be deciding everything for themselves, and it would end in disaster.The King/ Prince kept them in line, and the people didn’t revolt. â€Å"The head alone has the right to deliberate and decide, and the functions of all the other members consist only in carrying out the commands given to them†¦Ã¢â‚¬  King Louis XIV said that the King is the only person able to give the right orders, and make the right decisions. Everyone else was there to follow through on what he said. The interest of the state must come before the individual.The King was the only pers on capable of making sure the right decisions were made, and that the other members carried out the commands. So as you can see, Absolutism would win against Democracy in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries. It was more efficient, and worked well for them. The Kings had the power, and everyone was content with how things were set up. The people felt like this was how it ought to be, and it was. That is why Absolutism is the best form of government in this time period.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Occupational Health and Safety Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Occupational Health and Safety - Essay Example The author focuses on informing employers about the policies and practices they should implement in the workplace in order to ensure a safe working environment for employees. The author advises employers on the importance of having an accident prevention plan in the workplace and the effective strategy for handling accidents and investigations in their companies (Battles, 2011). The author attempts to advise employers on the ways of reducing costs and complications that could arise from the lack adequate safety procedures in the workplace. The author advises employers on ways of fulfilling the guidelines and regulations provided by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and any other guidelines provided by the state.   The author states that the process of formulating an accident prevention plan involves the evaluation of possible safety hazards across the workplace. The first step in analyzing job hazards entails identifying the potential actions that put the emp loyee at the risk of injury when performing their roles. After indentifying the risks, the employer will then develop the ways of preventing the accident or measures for mitigating the accidents in the unfortunate event that they happen. The process involves undertaking safety program reviews, procedures on managing emergencies, location of first aid kits, and procedures for reporting injuries. Employees should be provides an orientation on the safety procedures when they are newly employed or when existing employees transfer between jobs.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 61

Case Study Example For example if the business requirement is stated as â€Å"the light must turn on if button B is pressed and if button F is pressed.† This statement can be interpreted differently by different people because of the ambiguous use of the word â€Å"and† and this may lead to distortion in the respective system. A large number of business requirements fail in two prime dimensions; lack of true process orientation and lack of neuroscience required in defining the business requirement effectively. The perception of the business requirement makers that they know everything also leads to bad business requirements. Further, poor communication, constantly changing requirements in projects, less customer involvement, time and money constraints are some of the identifiable reasons resulting in bad business requirements. The use of â€Å"always† in a system means â€Å"most of the time† however; sometimes, it can also create ambiguity. The above mentioned statement can be interpreted in the following ways; the system should support employee birthdays every year because birthdays come and are celebrated every year. What if an employee gets dead then still the system will always support his/her birthday despite employee’s demise? Further, if an employee gets retired or not celebrates his/her birthday every year, so should the system support his/her birthday? All these varying interpretations can be perceived from the above mentioned ambiguous business requirement leading to system

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Real estate law Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Real estate law - Coursework Example Secondly, there is a river that passes alongside the school that is river Wandle meaning that if a pool or residential and commercial buildings were to build in the area issues of water pollution have to be put into consideration. This is because the drainage systems would all be directed to the river causing pollution. The debris and the abandonment of the side have also caused land contamination meaning that something has to be done t o ensure that the land is restored. Lastly, there is the issue of green agenda where the school has to ensure that the facilities that are being built in school should be environmentally friendly. The major issue that should be addressed by the developers is ensuring that they do not infringe on the right to right of the individuals who have lived on the adjacent property for the past 20 years (Cox & Thompson, 2010 p. 45). A right to light is an easement that allows a landowner the right to receive or acquire light through definite apertures in buildings on his or her land. This is to say that the owner of the land that is troubled by the right cannot significantly interfere with it in instances where they want to erect a building in a manner that blocks the light without having the consent of the benefiting owner. This is because the right to light under Right to Light Act indicates that in case a person has lived in a certain property for a period of twenty years or more they should have control or should have the ability to prevent any developer or the development of a property( Mossberg, 2012.p 56). This is in cases where the construction of those properties would result to minimal loss of l light to the neighbors’ window. In the case of Grove Park Independent schools and the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Doha Sports' Management, Control, Liability, and Taxation Research Proposal - 13

Doha Sports' Management, Control, Liability, and Taxation - Research Proposal Example Doha sports shop intends to provide house delivery services to its clients with a busy schedule. This service is important because it would reduce expenses for clients and control air pollution as clients would not have to drive to the shop. The main target market for Doha Sports shop is online buyers who are time conscious. Additionally, the organization targets athletes who participate in major events such as the London Marathon or Olympics. The business would also target people aged between 18 -35. This is because most people within such an age group are active in sports, have a busy schedule and spend more time surfing online.The company has hired the services of online experts who are experienced in virtual businesses. Additionally, the company sells its brand of goods at an affordable price. It is also evident that the strategy would enable the business to outshine its major competitors such as Reebok, Nike, and Adidas.The best form of business that Doha sports shop can operate is Partnership. Unlike a sole proprietorship, a partnership is owned by several members but should not exceed twenty four. A significant advantage of the partnership is the ability to allow a firm to operate independently from the owners. This simply means that in case one member dies or quit, the business would still operate. Doha sports would benefit from the partnership because the owners would raise enough capital to start and run the business. Additionally, the partners can share losses in case of any unintended consequences. Lastly, the partners can take part in running the business thus saving time and cost of operating the business in case they were to employ someone to run the business. The business can grow to a corporation. Consequently, it can be quoted in the stock exchange market. This would enable Doha sports shop to improve its image, sell its shares in the stock market and expand internationally.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Korean Art History Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Korean Art History Research Paper - Essay Example Ikutaro (9) states that the Bottle Vase is believed to have been developed in the period between the 918- 1392 by the Goryeo dynasty of Korea. The ceramic is in the shape of a wheel-thrown stoneware that has incised and slip filled beautification and green contemplation. The work represents the autonomy of the Korean arts industry and the progressive developed from the ancient to present days. From this ceramic, it can be observed that the Korean culture is gifted with talented artists of all times. The ceramic was developed several centuries ago but remains attractive up to the present days. The silvery color of the ceramic together with the flowery carvings makes the ceramic quite unique. The flowers decorating the ceramic are a symbol of the Korean rich natural and user friendly environment. In essence the flowers represent the beauty of natural resources that are found in Korea. The mouth of the ceramic is coated with a shiny cup. The shiny top covering can be described to mean a bright future for the art industry. The neck of the ceramic is narrow and bulges outwards on reaching the central body. Moreover, the neck of the ceramic is upright or straight. The Bottle vase has a flat bottomed base that enhances stability and gives the piece of art a notable point of view. An analysis of the artistic style used to develop the ceramic reveals that the art is a blend of the ancient and modern technology. For instance, the flower decorations on the sides of the ceramic is an indication that at the time of developing the ceramic civilizations had started taking roots.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Company Data Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Company Data - Research Paper Example 79). Take Pfizer, one of the top ten largest drug suppliers in the world that belongs to big pharma. It is considered to be the most profitable as it ranked number one in the worldwide sales on drugs designated as prescription (Clinton & Mozeson, 2010, p. 70). The company is also the highest spender in terms of research and development (R&D), and in merger and acquisition activities. However, some surprising facts have been discovered during the Pharm Exec’s industry audit and Stealth pharma audit. The main focus of this paper is to review pharmaceutical company data between the audit of stealth pharma and big pharma such as Pfizer. After the gathering of data, surprising facts will be gathered and developed analyses. Company Data Pharmaceutical companies decided to venture in other parts of the world because of higher opportunity and promised benefits that would surely outweigh the difficulty of globalization. Japan, Western Europe, and North America are among the countries i n the world that are high in pharmaceutical sales (Campbell, 2008, p. 16). The current trend of pharmaceutical companies nowadays is merger and acquisition which is not only practiced by big pharma but also to stealth pharma in order for them to expand their sales, market capitalization, and market share. Pfizer is one of the big pharmas that acquired several companies for the past ten years. For the year 2001, it acquired its direct competitor Warner-Lambert for $90 billion, and by 2003 the company decided to merge with Pharmacia for $60 billion in order to reduce its R&D cost (Lawson, Hatch, & Desroches, 2008, p. 157). Recently, the company has acquired Wyeth for $68 billion; this is to back up the company’s dropping of revenue caused by patent expiration and portfolio diversification (â€Å"Pfizer,† 2009). More companies believed that through pharmerging, their market share would increase as competition has been reduced for companies that merged and acquired are dir ect competitors in the market. On the other hand, it has been manifested that big pharma’s expenses on R&D (approximately $304 billion) are much higher compared to the disbursement of stealth pharma which is only $157 million (Trombetta, 2007). From this point of view, it is expected that big pharma would gain higher revenues in comparison to the anticipation of stealth pharma. Usually, large pharmaceutical companies in America are required to spend more on R&D as part of government regulations in exchange with the granting of patent and trademarks that give the company an exclusive right to manufacture and sell the drugs. For instance, â€Å"Pfizer spent almost $7.6 billion on R&D for drugs and slightly over $2 billion on plants and equipments† and in exchange, the company’s drugs are under the U.S. patent protection (Siegel, 2008, p. 109). Three Surprising Facts A professor from Harvard Business School, Gary Pisano said that, â€Å"The record of big mergers a nd acquisitions in big pharma has not just been good. There’s just been an enormous amount of shareholder wealth destroyed† (as cited in Karnitschnig & Rockoff, 2009). It had been a surprised fact that merging among stealth pharma had been successful considering that biotechnology companies have increased in numbers and they have managed to be at the top twenty firms. It had been interesting to discover that

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Religious Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Religious Movement - Essay Example Within this concept is the idea of what Wallace calls a â€Å"revitalization movement† in the structure of the religions society. According to Bartleby’s definition of a revitalization movement, a revitalization movement can be defined as: political-religious movements promising deliverance from deprivation, the elimination of foreign domination, and a new interpretation of the human condition based on traditional cultural values, common in societies undergoing severe stress associated with colonial conquest and intense class or racial exploitation. Thus, within this concept, a religious culture undergoing this type of transition would experience the stages of a steady state, a period of increasing individual stress, a period of cultural distortion, revitalization, routinization, and then a new steady state. By taking a close look at how the religion of Christianity developed, we can see these transitions through the stages of revitalization in action, and can hence gain a better understanding of Wallace’s theory. Christianity, like every other religion, has passed through these stages and experienced these transitions. The first stage of this process that applies to Christianity is the steady state. When the birth of Christianity first took place, it occurred during the Roman steady state period. Rome was the strongest Empire in the world at the time, and thus, was undergoing a period of prosperity. The Empire was increasingly expanding, becoming more powerful, and winning even greater conquests. The power of the Romans, at the time, was vast and limitless, and as they continued to conquer, they continued to gain. At the time, it seemed like the Roman power force would be never-ending, and Rome was perhaps the greatest Empire of all time. This would perhaps even put Rome beyond the point of the actual steady state. At the same time, another country affected

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Dulce et Decorum Est - Wilfred Owens Poem Essay Example for Free

Dulce et Decorum Est Wilfred Owens Poem Essay Dulce et Decorum Est Wilfred Owens renowned war poem for its frowning on the glorification on war, and The Last Night by Charlotte Gray, similarly depicting the effects of war on the unimpeachable youth, in prose form. Both are excellent representations of the devastation that war truly is and can only result in, and are both written in historical context, only Dulce et Decorum preceded the latter. Dulce directly juxtaposed another war poet, Jessie Pope, who romanticized the concept of it and really manipulated the patriotic conscience. The irony here is that the even after the former described the trauma that war produced, and the unacceptable manner in how people revered the act, the world went on to WWII. Which almost questions why did it happen, did not the destruction of the previous war play any guilt or effect on the countries leaders? Over the course of this essay, I aim to reveal the physical and mental effects of war as well as covering the idealism and the theme of slaughtering the innocents. In the beginning verse of Dulce, the author plays upon the image of a man walking. Contrastive to the propagandizing posters that were often seen at the time that rendered an erect, striding man holding a gun confidently- a picture of tired, old men is illustrated, which emphasizes the idea that they have aged far too quickly. Bent double, like old beggars and knock-kneed delineate a pigeon-toed figure suffering from pure fatigue an inadequacy to be what is defined as a soldier. In the simile, Coughing like hags, we cursed, we can hear the witch hoarseness of the cough the enigma here is the build-up this state if they have been simply marching through battles, like Jessie Pope presumed. A sense of utter sensory deprivation is conveyed through, Men marched asleep limped on, lame, all tired, drunk with fatigue, deaf even to the hoots. The immediate assumption here is that the men would, if given the choice, collapse in a heap of discomfort, subconscious, and fall asleep. The fact that they are compared to drunken men only accentuates their circumstance, a probable disparity between when they started out as recruits and this moment in the poem. They conjured up a web of deception, and empathy from us, as well as in The Last Night, when the children rest in deep sleep despite the appalling environment really showing their desperation for a moment of peace. The accumulation of all of this is that war has finally taken its toll, the young men evolving or more appropriately, regressing into haggard and withered creatures that have faced acute pain and loss. However, the change in pace within the stanza is evident when faced by death, we experience an ecstasy of fumbling, and this change in speed exposes their anxieties when in the full, frontal face of death, or perhaps the inexplicable torment of a gas attack, as they have seen their peers die in the hands of it before. As they fumble stressing the urgency of the situation not everybody manages to clamber on a gas mask in time. The poem is told from a first-person perspective, although this is not made clear at first, however, this allows us to interpret it from a first-hand simulation. The inevitability of the gas floating towards them like a death sentence is horrific -one soldier inhales it, and the devastating effects described in detail. We watch helplessly at him floundring like a man in fire or lime, which links to burnings at the stake, arguably the worst torture in existence. We see his eyes writhe in his face, a clear connotation of a loon, suggesting he is in an insane, maniacal state. And then his hanging face, like a devils sick of sin., only serves to show how much pain has been delivered. The men then fling him in a wagon which shows the dehumanization of the moment, and they watch him froth and gargle blood, twisting unnaturally. The incurable sores is exactly what it says, incurable. The physical effects are irrevocable, physically and mentally. Through use of emotive metaphors and similes, Owen molds an indubitably sickening portrayal of a suffering man, introducing the readers to the realities of war. Likewise, The Last Night also paints a picture of suffering, but in a far subtler manner. Unlike the soldiers in Dulce, the fate of these innocent, Jewish children is unavoidable for everyone, thus having a certain sadness to it. They have been sentenced to the gas chambers as well, and we can deduce that they will face like pain to the soldier in the previous paragraph, which, for a child, we all know is terrifying and never deserved. The pain we encounter in this extract is more that of basic deprivations, like food, water, and love too. We can understand that the children are exhausted because, despite the most likely uncomfortable surroundings, many of the children were too deeply asleep to be aroused. The children sleep in dung: the soft bloom of cheek laid, uncaring, shows a child with a tinge of rose in his cheeks, the sweetness and the unfairness of this trial he must endure. Again, they are reduced to an animalistic level, Jacobs limbs were intertwined with his [his brothers] for warmth.; this imitates two young, baby animals that lie together, unknowing of the worlds cruelties or the predators that stalk them. The children are ravenous and denied of sufficient food and drink, as they cluster around a woman holding out sardine cans for water, and as we know, these cans are remarkably slim and unsuitable to drink water from, especially when the can is passed around of a crowd. They are each provided with a sandwich, this severe rationing a punishment they do not deserve. The physical pain that is shown in this section of The Last Night is purely tiredness and hunger, two qualities good parents ensure their children are not. Their frail bodies find it difficult to withstand this, but the dramatic irony here is that their fate in store is much worse and absolutely inhumane. A shower of scraps was thrown towards them reiterates the animals they are being essentially treated as. As for the mental pain faced by the soldiers, it must surpass the physical by far. From the lies, to leaving their loved ones, the pain and the distant memories are even more difficult to face. Homesickness, when really experienced, can be a very intense and sad feeling, and this does not really raise any morale. One can only imagine their befuddlement when arriving to the trenches and wondering where their accommodation was. As continued from the previous, their mental velocity increased tremendously when in the face of adversity and death. This can only be expected, and is marked by the Gas! Gas! Quick, boys!. The mental anguish when they see their peer suffer but are utterly of no use in this is astounding, and the scene runs almost as a nightmarish sequence, as signified by Dim through the misty panes, and thick green light. In all my dreams before my helpless sight.. The dramatic verb drown is used, and they watch their former companion die in the sea of gas, they having escaped the same fate by only a second or two. This fact is enough to leave them in a state of momentary shock, and in the future, a play back of this episode is probably revisited by every soldier who saw the sight and regretted having being unable to help him in any way the same shock was experienced when all the Jews realized their time had come: a quickening of muscle and nerve in The Last Night. Through each line, we must remember whom the poem was addressed to, and we can sense some underlying bitterness. The triplet guttering, choking, drowning throws itself out with a dynamic impact. It wouldnt be expected for the children to know of their demise, but as seen in the excerpt, they seem to sense something wrong. This is why In the filthy straw, they dug their heels in and screamed. Instead of just struggling, they choose to scream, which reveals their internal uncertainties and distress. The metaphor dig means they are trying to fix themselves in the straw, and how they distrust the officers. They are forced towards and crammed in a bus, which again, brings back the animal-like treatment motif. As the adults wrote their possibly last messages which had no to little guarantee of delivery, some wrote with sobbing passion and some with punctilious care. Both adjectives suggest a degree of great mental turmoil, the only difference being the latter having some restraint. Yet there is a recognition of hopelessness in the atmosphere, the adults in the room sat slumped against the wall., the emotions going through them must have been complex, but ultimately, an increasing feel of nothing can be done, and giving up. This is not a movie where the resolution magically occurs, but this is a depiction of reality. As the officers call out their names alphabetically, in a standardized order, this shows how devoid of emotion or remorse they are, and how each child and each person is reduced to just another name. There is a nervous and tense atmosphere, it seems as if everybody is waiting for some justice to occur, but as we know, this does not happen. They are quickly thrown into the buses, the homely sound of a Parisian bus is somehow mocking to the whole scene. Probably the most heart-rending image is when a mother sees her child for the last time her eyes were fixed with terrible ferocity intensely open to fix the picture of her child, for ever. To see your child for the last time, to know of the death, to be able to do nothing about it, as in Dulce, there is the same sense of no faith or hope. The wails and screams of the women as they throw food towards the buses from the camp knowing the food will never reach, but desperately wanting to do something anyhow is the final time they will ever see their maternal figures, and the children are, precisely put, doomed. The fact that none of the officers act even merely touched by their fellow humans sadness is repulsive. Five municipal buses now stood trembling in the corner of the yard the buses are personified, which is a symbolic representation of their fear. The story concludes with the bus turning away, the headlights, for a moment, light up the cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ opposite before the driver turned the wheel and headed for the station. This glimpse of something perfectly normal spotlights the unfairness of it all on the children who at one time, had that other life. The theme of glory and innocence is well covered in Dulce. In fact, the title is sufficient, To die for your country, is a sweet thing. The poem runs on to contradict it, ending with, The old lie: Dulce Et Decorum Est, Pro Patria Mori. And we are forced to agree, having been witness to the preceding bloodshed. If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs thy friend, you could not tell with such high zest, to children ardent for some desperate glory, The Old Lie:, this quotation sums up all the contempt he has for any form of glorification of war, when really it is ones own sacrifice rather than an obligation. It has a tinge of instruction to it, almost as if he trying to convince her in an angry, forceful way, and if he said it verbally, it seems as if it would increase with volume. This is quite justified, as Jessie Pope idealized war as fun, and liked it to a game, and that anybody who chickened out was basically a coward. This induced such an outrage that Owen felt he needed to prove how nauseating the concept was. He addresses the soldiers as children, which somehow brings out their naivety and how easy it is to convince adults generally lie to children in order to mask the truth. The young men were obviously targeted for recruiting and decided to join more out of fear of mockery rather than pure patriotism. The concept of innocence in The Last Night is brought up quite often, the youngness of the children is stressed upon. For example, Some children were too small to manage the step up and A baby few weeks cot was crammed into the bus. If the children are too small to even step onto the bus themselves, and require support, and they really criminals or infested jews? They are too young to even know the reason for their death, and as soon as they came into this world, they were stolen just as quickly. They have no ability to reason, no ability to know of the dangers, no ability to believe in anything, yet simply because of their religion something they are most likely unaware of they have been sentenced to die and never experience any of lifes pleasures. If they havent learnt simple motor skills, how can they be expected to react to a gas attack? The pure horror of it can never be condensed it is like those horror stories materialized. Dulce and The Last Night are both classic pieces of history, genuine and likely more realistic records of those corrupt events that hopefully will not happen ever again. They are both timeless, and dark reminders of why war shouldnt happen, although pain is still inflicted, every second. These two pieces are a reminder that pain can never truly be prevented as that is how a few are wired to work and these few have the power to influnce many others. However, the main point the pieces try to bridge across is the innocence of the fighters who are more like pawns or victims and the superfluous glorification of war. Something that pains another should never be laughed or promoted in any form, as fundamentally, we are one species, we are the same, as Shylock in the Merchant of Venice so eloquently expressed. The quotation Do unto others as others would do unto you, applies to both concepts the writers try to draw, but in the end, the sadness in both renditions of war is the dehumanization and of course, the gruesome massacres, but mostly, the indifference. The indifference of the bystanders as well as the leaders.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Customer Relationship Management Techniques

Customer Relationship Management Techniques Competition between enterprises is becoming more intense in the 21st century. Economy is depressed, the industrial structure is changing, and unemployment is at a record rate in India. Under these competitive pressures, it is important to impress and improve the relationship with the customer. Because of the power of information and telecommunications technologies, business can track their customers and determine what they really want and how they actually use the product. Analyzing the information returned from customers and products, business can provide active and accurate service to the right customer through the right channel at the right time and increase customer satisfaction. This paper refers the Customer Service in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Information Technology (IT) concepts to analyze and understand the customers needs and realize the competencies of support groups within the enterprise. The customers can therefore be better served and the efficiency and effectiveness of internal company support groups can be improved. The knowledge and experience not accumulated can be solved and the cost of manpower and services reduced. A growing number of organizations have implemented or are considering implementing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategies for the purpose of becoming more customers focused. Despite this trend, there remains a relative dearth of academic literature relating to examining the realities of achieving such organizational objectives. CRM systems can be viewed as strategic and operational information systems aimed at enabling organizations to realize a customer focus (Bull 2003). A significant number of organizations operating in diverse business environments have or are considering adopting Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems (Fjermestad and Romano Jr 2003). Despite this phenomenal growth the organizational record of the successful development and utilizing of such systems is mixed. Some studies of CRM systems projects conclude that organizations are struggling to achieve improvements in customer performance (Giga 2001). However, others highlight a more positive scena rio (Davenport, Harris et al. 2001). As the organizational adoption and utilization of CRM systems evolves, a clearer appreciation and understanding of how CRM systems can affect customer performance should emerge. This study focuses on an integrated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) structure to understand the implications and application of business alternatives using a questionnaire with CRM integration on the Textile industry in India. We will study business CRM implementation using Marketing Strategy Management, Customer Value Analysis, Customer Relationship Management, and Information Technology Application. This studys goals are: (1) Analyzes the key factors of CRM success from scholars and the positive CRM implementation effects to construct a CRM model; (2) Compares the differences between business scale and CRM implementation; (3) Compares the differences between business location and CRM implementation; (4) Determines key CRM success factors and related principles to provide a reference for the Textile industry with a defined CRM model. 2. Literature review 2.1 A brief history of Customer Relationship Management Beginning in the early 1980s, in the United States Customer Relationship Management was called Contact Management. Information was collected from customers and companies. In the early 1990s, call centers were generated and the customer service information analysis function was performed through data warehouse, data mining, and others technologies. Now, Web-enabled Call Centers are used to enlarge the market and determine customer initiated value-added services [1]. 2.2 The various aspects of Customer Relationship Management Kalakota and Robinson [9] considered that the appropriate CRM structure could be realized through three aspects: taking customers from other firms, enhancing customer from other firms, and maintaining the current customer base. Different management functions are needed to achieve the integrated CRM structure. By developing relationships between the business and customers, CRM could be separated into taking customers, serving customers, and customer analysis. Business could use customer profiles effectively to provide real-time, excellent customer service. This is a beginning in developing the next customer through analyzing the customers needs. To realize the four core relations at the center, CRM makes cycling the customer relation process through customer development and data feedback. It is the final target to make customer satisfied and creating profits in different functional collocation of customer relation. However, we can establish an integrated CRM structure involving three topics: Core Relations, Customer Relations, and Information Technology, by centralizing customer analysis [13]. 2.3 The theory of relationship marketing As the time trend evolving and consumer conscious raising, the traditional marketing theory will develop. Kotler [11] considered that the theory of marketing management is generated by five different operating principles (1) production concept; (2) product concept; (3) sales concept; (4) marketing concept, and (5) social market concept. He also considered that the different levels of customer relationship will separate relationship marketing into (1) basic marketing, (2) reactive marketing, (3) accountable marketing, (4) proactive marketing, and (5) partnership marketing. However, under marketing theory development, the traditional sales principles were not suited to the market of today. In business, the important task is how to use relationship marketing with integrated marketing effectively to strive for customer loyalty. Integrated marketing has progressively formed this concept. Kotler [11] considered integrated marketing as all of the divisions in the business that provide servi ces that make satisfied customers. Executing this involves two levels: (1) sales strength, (2) the collaboration of advertisement and product marketing management. At the same time, all related marketing activities must collaborate with all other divisions. To promote collaboration between all divisions, a business had to execute the external marketing and internal marketing. The external marketing is business adopted marketing activities to the external customer. The internal marketing is how to select, train, and motivate employees to provide the best service to the customer. 2.4 Value Compass Perspectives The value compass determines the value of four customer relationship perspectives was brought out by Wayland [5]. It is the strategy the best value of collaboration between business and business through correct connection. We will introduce the four perspectives that the value compass decides the value of customer relationship as follows. 2.4.1 Customer Portfolio Management Customer portfolio management means that how to choice the valuable customer relationship and management principles. It can be separated into three items: (1) Market level. Business makes the portfolio target as all customers in the wide market. The best purchasing-power customer is the best valuable customer. (2) Group level. The object is certainty distinguish or different type group customers. They could give the supplier rich feedback. Managers provide service, which satisfies customers special needs. (3) Individual level. Business has to know deeper customer knowledge and adopt individual management when the needs are very different in relation value, preference, and individual needs. 2.4.2 The setup of value position The value position is meaning that the value exchange degree between buyer and seller. Business will provide much service in the value chain or total experience for the customer to increase the value of the customer relationship. This can be separated into three items: (1) Core product. It can be defined clearly as the special part of customer value chain. Supplier can improve core product or service to reduce the cost of customer. (2) Extended service. Increase more related buyers value chain or total experience. This means that sellers could provide much service for customer to achieve the customers needs. (3) Total resolution alternative. It is wider value position that sellers will intervene in buyers who satisfied or achieved targets to adopt activities including the interrelation and communication channel between them. 2.4.3 Value-added role Value-added role is how business seeks out obtaining the best profit feedback position between customer and suppliers in related value chain. It can be separated into three roles: (1) Product manager. This is a series of interrelated activities and business behaviors that provide a product to buyers; (2) Process manager. It is a multi-perspective connected model between a customer and supplier. The process manager customer relationship involves all position in value position, but it refers to the wider value exchange; (3) Network manager. It involves multi-perspective between buyers and sellers and the connection of related groups. 2.4.4 Reward and Risk sharing The interactive between customers and suppliers is basic on value creating and value sharing. There are three different represented positions as follows: (1) Market-base sharing. It is the basic model of the reward and risk sharing. This was decided by the market and possessed neutral characteristic. (2) Expression-base sharing. In the future, it will hold and operate the price of some products that are risk-taking and uncertainty. They usually determine the risk by negotiation to develop the extend relationship. Quality assurance and after-selling service is common model of risk-taking. (3) Result-base sharing. It is partnering all most people mean joint risk-taking. However, the sharing reward is based on the degree of plan success. Customer portfolio management Added-value role Reward and risk sharing The setup of value position Individual Group Product manager Market Process manager Network manager Result-base Expression-base Market-base Core product Extend service Total resolution alternative Figure 1: Value compass 2.5 Customer Service Management There are three customer service parts including construct service system, after-sales service, and satisfaction investigation. The services provided involve before sales, sale, and after-sale. As business can provide perfect selling process in spot, they can keep the customer to increase opportunity of profit. However, all kinds of follow-up service, it can not only strive customer loyalty and compensate for customer dissatisfied but also stop negative product information from spreading. At the same time, as better understanding of what satisfies the customer, the business learns to provide improved products and services. 2.5.1 Service System Construction Rohit [12] considers that when a business builds a service system, a service design and service delivery process are involved. (1) Service design. Considers the product characteristics suitable for different services. (2) Service delivery. Considers the environment in which the service is provided, and a whole set of alternatives to ensure that service quality is achieved between the salesman and customer. Until now, most business has established a specific customer service department to handle customer related services. The administration in charge of design and controlling customer service, planning and executing all kinds of sales services occur on the spot. It, the call center or service center, will help the business deliver customer service. 2.5.2 After-sales service Management After-sales service is all kinds of services asked for after the sale is completed. This is separated into extended service satisfaction, confirmation management and after-sales service. (1) Satisfaction confirmation management. Business takes the initiative for completed consumer to confirm the product use condition and satisfaction. In the execution of after-sales services, how much resources the business inputs is divided into four items: (a) product questionnaire feedback, (b) acknowledgement letter delivery, (c) telephone interviewing, (d) sales interview. (2) The management of customers complain. An example of the general customer call process, business should obey the following principles to increase customer satisfaction: (a) Calm down the customers feelings, (b) List the emergency, (c) Express concern, (d) Afford redress, (e) Conduct a follow-up investigation. 2.5.3 Customer Satisfaction Investigation A complete customer satisfaction investigation should have overall planning to raise the validity and reliability in investigation result. The identification and supporting of senior manager will affect the result. Only senior manager support should set the investigated target to achieve customer satisfaction through developing research, analysis, and result application. We can separate the complete customer satisfaction investigation process into eight items as follows: (1) senior manager support; (2) investigation target identification; (3) investigation plan; (4) questionnaire list; (5) questionnaire execution; (6) questionnaire result analysis; (7) information sharing; (8) investigation review. 2.6 Information Technology Construction Information technology infrastructure and construction could provide the needed competitive information technology resources. They are also the key factors of forming basic strength difference. Davidoow et al. [7] considered that when information technology infrastructure and construction could allow new business strategies to appear and provide integrated connectivity mechanisms. [4]. Applegate et al. [2] considered a broad definition of information technology that included information technology infrastructure and information technology related operation and opportunity. However, Ken [10] considered that information technology construction could provide an overview of business owned information technology, possible technology, and implies business operation. This connects organization structure and business strategy. Information technology infrastructure is an information technology capability to help business information integration and sharing. Weill [14] considered that the info rmation technology capacity of technology infrastructure possesses not only information technology, but also technology perspectives that provide basic operation levels, communication, software equipment, network systems and management perspectives. Furthermore, Broadbent et al. [4] consider that information technology capacity should also involve the scope of reach and range in business; the scope of reach is connection level of information technology capacity and the range of reach is provided service of information technology capacity. 3. Methodology 3.1 The structure of Customer Relationship Management This study focuses on the cognition and application of CRM in the Textile industry in India. We analyzed the difference between Marketing Strategy Management (MSM), Customer Value Analysis (CVA), Customer Service Management (CSM), and Information Technology Application (ITA) with different characteristics (see Figure 2). Different location H1 Different scale H2 Different employees characteristics H3 Marketing Strategy Management Customer Value Analysis Customer Service Management Information Technology Application Apply CRM structure Figure 2: Research structure 3.2 Hypotheses The hypotheses developed in this work are shown in Table 1. Table 1: Hypotheses Hypotheses H1 The difference in different location to MSM, CVA, CSM, and ITA. H1a There is no significant difference in location to Marketing Strategy Management (MSM). H1b There is no significant difference in location to Customer Value Analysis (CVA). H1c There is no significant difference in location to Customer Service Management (CSM). H1d There is no significant difference in location to Information Technology Application (ITA). H2 The difference in different scale to MSM, CVA, CSM, and ITA. H2a There is no significant difference in scale to Marketing Strategy Management (MSM). H2b There is no significant difference in scale to Customer Value Analysis (CVA). H2c There is no significant difference in scale to Customer Service Management (CSM). H2d There is no significant difference in scale to Information Technology Application (ITA). H3 The difference in employee characteristics to MSM, CVA, CSM, and ITA. H3a There is no significant difference in employee characteristics to Marketing Strategy Management (MSM). H3b There is no significant difference in employee characteristics to Customer Value Analysis (CVA). H3c There is no significant difference in employee characteristics to Customer Service Management (CSM). H3d There is no significant difference in employee characteristics to Information Technology Application (ITA). 3.3 Variable description The structure is combined with Marketing Strategy Management, Customer Value Analysis, Customer Service Management, and Information Technology Application in Customer Relationship Management. The variables are described in Table 2. Table 2: The variables in CRM structure Variables Item Marketing Strategy Management 1. Business make customers become partner to participate the value interchange. 2. Carry out marketing strategy with 4P principles. 3. Each department should pursue for improving service process continuously. 4. Business should set the marketing performance assessment principles to be total marketing. 5. Take customer profile to design sales activities. 6. Take automatic technology assistant tools to design sales activities. Customer Value Analysis 1. Lead in data warehousing to setup and analyze customer profile. 2. Adopt data mining to analyze consumer behavior. 3. Establish specific department to analyze customer profile. 4. Adopt customer value analysis to identify target customers. Customer Service Management 1. It is urgent task to make quick service system as well. 2. Improve quality initiatively to satisfy customer as well. 3. Analyze customer respond question as well to improve service quality. 4. After owning perfect internal customer, business will have satisfied external customer. 5. Business should make investigation of customer satisfaction and apply it. 6. There is a rise trend of customer satisfaction by implementing CRM. Information Technology Application 1. Business and customer interchange continuously by operating information. 2. The database is the CRM base. 3. Make the best profit by applying customer database to provide marketing service. 4. As customer profiles do not be integrated, the utilization ratio of them falls. 5. Lead in the supporting technology which CRM need. 6. Adopt Internet and others related tools to provide convenient customer service. We adopted descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, t-test, One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) by SPSS for Windows 10.0 to analyze the Textile industry in India. 4. Analysis and result 4.1 The questionnaire sample structural analysis We emitted 640 questionnaires and recovered 194 in 2008. The total recovery ratio was 30.31%. Sixty-eight of the 194 returned questionnaires were invalid, making the valid recovery ratio 19.69%. This study was directed at business proprietors and unit leaders. The proprietors occupied 29.37%, senior managers occupied 48.41%, and the middle managers occupied 22.22%. The sample showed that the average business experience was 11-15 years occupied 53.18%, above 16 years occupied 26.98%. The education levels for this sample were above college occupied 93.65%. In sum, the sample had be representative to realize the questionnaire meaning when they answered. The reliability was tested by the Cronbachs ÃŽÂ ± value to each perspective (See Table 3). All perspectives reliability represent high reliable with total questionnaire Cronbachs ÃŽÂ ± value is 0.8446 (above 0.7). The Customer Value Analysis perspective (Cronbachs ÃŽÂ ± = 0.7989) and Customer Service Management perspective (Cron bachs ÃŽÂ ± = 0.7908). Table 3: Reliability analysis Perspectives # of questions Cronbachs a CRM overview 8 0.7285 Marketing Strategy Management 6 0.7998 Customer Value Analysis 4 0.7989 Customer Service Management 6 0.7908 Information Technology Application 6 0.7277 Total 30 0.8446 4.2 The analysis of difference in different location to CRM overview This paper studied the different location relation to CRM first. There was a more positive view in We will have clear CRM direction and target in the future and We should established specific department to maintain and improve customer relation with Central India area businesses than Northern and Southern area businesses. There was more positive view in There is a rise-trend of total satisfaction with customer with the central area businesses than northern and southern area businesses. For this reason, lots of resources are available in Central India. This fuels Textile industry development in the central area. 4.3 The analysis of difference in different location to MSM, CVA, CSM, and ITA. This study used One-way ANOVA to test the significant difference in different location to MSM, CVA, CSM, and ITA (See Table 4). We find that there is not any F-value significant in different location to MSM and CVA perspectives and the entire Mean is above 4. The opinions of sample in MSM and CVA perspectives are the same. We support the H1a and H1b. In the CSM perspective, there is not also any F-value significant in different location to this one, but only on After owning perfect internal customer, business will have satisfied external customer and Business should investigate customer satisfaction and apply it the mean between 3.3 to 4.0, the others are above 4. The opinions of sample in CSM perspective are the same. We support the H1c. Finally in the ITA perspective, there is only Adopt Internet and others related tools to provide convenient customer service the F-value shows significant (P= 0.005) in different location to this one. The others are not significant and the entire Me an is above 4. Most sample opinions in this perspective were the same. We support the H1d. Table 4: Statistic Analysis Items Mean Standard error F Significant Marketing Strategy Management Carry out marketing strategy with 4P principles. 4.51 0.54 0.51 0.951 Each department should pursue for improving service process continuously 4.04 0.70 0.523 0.594 Business should set the marketing performance assessment principles to be total marketing. 4.17 0.64 0.133 0.875 Business make customers become partner to participate the value interchange. 4.13 0.85 1.070 0.346 Take automatic technology assistant tools to design sales activities. 4.16 0.63 0.295 0.745 Take customer profile to design sales activities. 4.27 0.55 0.008 0.992 Customer Value Analysis Adopt data mining to analyze consumer behavior. 4.43 0.53 0.290 0.749 Lead in data warehousing to setup and analyze customer profile. 4.12 0.69 0.716 0.491 Establish specific department to analyze customer profile. 4.26 0.67 0.979 0.379 Adopt customer value analysis to identify target customers. 4.31 0.58 1.256 0.289 Customer Service Management It is urgent task to make quick service system as well. 4.30 0.58 0.038 0.963 Improve quality initiatively to satisfy customers. 4.33 0.80 0.743 0.478 After owning perfect internal customer, business will have satisfied external customer. 3.34 0.91 1.167 0.315 Business should make investigation of customer satisfaction and apply it. 3.93 0.64 0.472 0.625 There is a rise trend of customer satisfaction by implementing CRM. 4.27 0.64 0.244 0.784 Analyze customer respond question as well to improve service quality. 4.30 0.55 0.043 0.958 Information Technology Management Database is the base of building CRM. 4.41 0.53 0.408 0.666 Business and customer interchange continuously by operating information. 4.42 0.51 0.878 0.419 As customer profiles do not be integrated, the utilization ratio of them falls. 4.41 0.56 0.757 0.471 Adopt Internet and others related tools to provide convenient customer service. 4.51 0.52 5.505 0.005** Lead in the supporting technology which CRM need. 4.31 0.74 0.914 0.404 Make the best profit by applying customer database to provide marketing service. 4.06 0.42 0.939 0.394 Note: *p

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Alain Robbe-Grillet and The Secret Room :: essays research papers fc

Alain Robbe-Grillet and The Secret Room   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On page 2032 of the class’s anthology, there is a work by Alain Robbe-Grillet entitled â€Å"The Secret Room†. What interests me about this work is that I thought that this topic or story is deep and hard to get the idea. So, I wanted to know about Alain Robbe-Grillet and wanted to get the idea. In this connection, the question that I want to research is who Alain Robbe-Grillet is and what is this story about.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First of all, Robbe-grillet, he was born in Brittany, France, where was the place for scientists and engineers. At first, he was not a writer. He earned the degree in mathematics and natural science. He started working at National Institute of Statistics and published an article on livestock possibilities before deciding to work part time in his sister’s biology laboratory and write a novel. The first novel he wrote was â€Å"A Regicide† in 1949. But, it didn’t published until 1978 which was the time after he became a successful novelist. Robbe-Grillet was one of the foremost filmmakers and the novelists of the French new novel, of the twentieth century. Frustrated about the lack of progress and innovation in the art of the novel since the nineteenth century, Robbe-Grillet and Nathalie Saurrate began to write complex novels that interrogated and challenged conventional narrative modes, novels that altered or abolished fictional elements such as character, plot, setting, point of view, and chronological time in favor of repetitions, an absence of emotion, minute objective and sometimes geometric descriptions, the lack of authorial analysis, and the deconstruction of time. His films also reflect his desire to challenge the conventions of filmmaking, but he is recognized principally as a novelist. The novels of Robbe-Grillet all challenge their readers to reevaluate the way they read, the way they think, and the way they visualize the world around them. The novels are vastly different from each other. â€Å"The Erasersâ€Å" concerns a police inspector, Wallas, and his search for a man who has supposedly killed another man who, in actuality, was not killed. The novel is set in a small Belgian city, a city with a considerable network of canals and bridges and boulevards that all look the same; throughout the novel, the city becomes a type of labyrinth, adding an ambiguous complexity of space to the novel's non linear chronology.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Erasers† is more accessible than his later novels like â€Å"Jealousyâ€Å" and â€Å"In The Labyrinth†, both penultimate examples of the New Novel.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Overcoming Misfortunes in Siddhartha :: Hesse Siddhartha Essays

Overcoming Misfortunes in Siddhartha On page 132 we read "Everything that was not suffered to the end and finally concluded, recurred, and the same sorrows were undergone." What does this mean in regards to Siddhartha and any other of the characters in Hesse's story? Do you agree with this statement? Explain. This quote is taken from the context of when Siddhartha is crossing the river and he sees his reflection and it looks like his father. This quote refers to a repeating of events. It is illustrated by Brahmin being separated from Siddhartha and Siddhartha being separated from his own son. This parallels the quote in three ways. Taken literally it identifies the "father-like-son" aspect of the situation. It can be taken as a metaphor for the endlessness of time as well. Taken out of context, this quote identifies that anything that is not followed or completely worked through will continue to exist and it will repeat itself. Siddhartha left his father, Brahmin, at a young age to join the ascetics. Siddhartha is now considering the pain his father must have gone through not seeing his son again. Siddhartha's son, too, was separated from his father. Without dealing with this situation, the distance between father and son would never be reconciled. Thus the situation Siddhartha had with Brahmin would be repeated. The quote can also be interpreted as a metaphor for time. Obvious recurrences can be noted in time, suggesting that time repeats itself. Instead of a river, another symbol can be used for time, perhaps a pool. According to this quote, things repeat themselves in time. In a pool objects float around until they finally make their way to the outlet. Events swirling around in time without reconciliation are "trapped" until they are dealt with. The entire pool makes up all that time is. All the experiences and thoughts of past, present, and future that have not been dismissed all contribute to the whole of time. If the quote stood alone, without the context of Siddhartha's reflections on his father and his son, it would state that anything that isn't finished through completion would forever hang in the cloud of time.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Slave Trading Essay -- Slavery

â€Å"African slavery is the corner-stone of the industrial, social, and political fabric of the South; and whatever wars against it, wars against her very existence. Strike down the institution of African slavery and you reduce the South to depopulation and barbarism.† –Lawerence Keitt, South Carolina Congressman, 1860 Slave trading dates back to ancient times, but it did not become popular until the fifteenth century when the Portugese began engaging in slave trading for profit. The colonization of the Americas brought about a new wave of slave importation in the late seventeenth century. A large percentage of the indentured servants and Native Americans were dying from diseases bought to the land by Europeans, and the American colonists were forced to look elsewhere for laborers. They discovered that African Americans were virtually immune to tropical diseases, cheap to import, and were experienced agrarians, so they championed slavery under the premise that African Americans were inferior to their own race. Because slaves were cheap, it was much easier for a planter to work a slave to his death and replace him with another than to treat him well. By the end of the seventeenth century, African American were being imported to the Americas and sold to planters by the thousands. Slavery, indeed, bec ame the â€Å"cornerstone† of America’s economic success. Without the grueling labor of the slaves, the booming sugar, rice, cotton, and tobacco industries would have ceased to exist in the New World. As the Americas evolved from a simple farming society into an agricultural stronghold, settlers became more and more dependent on slavery. By the mid-eighteenth century, slaves vastly outnumbered colonists. During the seventeenth, eight... ...audah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa, the African, Written by Himself, volume 1, 70-88. Thomas Clarkson, The History of the Rise, Progress, and Accomplishments of the African Slave Trade by the British Parliament. Ibid. Ibid. Equiano, 70-88. Ibid. Solomon Northup, Twelve Years A Slave, 78-82. Equanio, 70-88. Ibid. â€Å"Management of Slaves, &c,† The Farmer’s Register: A Monthly Publication Devoted to the Improvement of the Practice and Support of the Interests of Agriculture 5, 10 May 1837, 32-33. Ibid. Samuel G. Howe, in John W. Blassingame, Slave Testimony, American Freedmen’s Inquiry Commission Interviews, 386. Ibid. Howe, 385. Ibid. Howe, 386. Joint Select Committee Chairman, Testimony Taken by the Joint Select Committee to Inquire Into the Condition of Affairs in the Late Insurrectionary States, volume 1, 1862, 411-412. Ibid. Ibid.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Happiest Day of My Life Essay

I was excited to the nerve that my father was finally in town and even more when he informed me that he has been given free tickets to the fifa world cup finals 2010 between Spain and Netherlands . i was absolutely thrilled to hear this from him. I am a huge Spain fan as I absolutely adore the club. I was very keyed up about watching Fabregas , David Villa and of course Torres in person as I am a big fan of these players. We took the flight to Johannesburg just the next morning as we had planned. We reached the marvelous place which looked even more marvelous during this FIFA season. We decided to tour the city and went to the nearest shopping mall Oriental Plaza. While on the way to the place my father informed me that this was the city where Mahatama Gandhi stayed 100 years ago. The mall was so named because it gives a taste of the orient in Africa. After this we headed to the stadium. My first impression when I arrived at the stadium was one of awe. A number of people outside the stadium appeared to be singing. I purchased a vuvuzela, got the Spanish flag painted on my face and then proceeded into the stadium and found my seat and felt content I had a good enough view of the pitch. The time for the match came and I grew extremely enthusiastic. The match had a large number of fouls, with both the teams playing equally rough. So much that although the goal scores remained 0-0, the yellow card scores kept raising. The match referee Howard Webb of England had a tough time and the final count was 14 yellow and 1 red card, Netherlands winning here 8-5. The score was 0-0 for the entire 90 minutes of the game and the first 30 minutes extra time as well, with Spain having 57% ball possession and 18 shots with 8 of them on target. Netherlands had 43% possession and 13 total shots with 5 on target. The bookings continued after the break . The dutch had a glorious chance to take the lead in the second half but Arjen Robben, comfortably his team’s strongest attacking weapon, could find no way past Spain captain Iker Casillas. I was at the edge of my seat when in the 116th minute Cesc Fabregas’s pass to the young midfielder Iniesta who struck it into the net making their captain and goal keeper Iker Casillas drop to the floor and cry out tears of joy after the final whistle. This made Spain the first team to win a World Cup after losing their opening game of the tournament. And once again the German octopus Paul Allen’s predictions came true. Then Spain was honoured with the 6. 175kg gold trophy. The Man of the Match was obvoiusly awarded to Andres Iniesta it was followed by a loud roar. And the prestigious Golden Glove Award to their captain and goalkeeper Iker Casillas. The Golden Shoe Award as well as the Best Young Player Award was given to Thomas Mueller of Germany and the Golden Ball was awarded to Diego Forlan of Uruguay.

Julius Ceasar

Brutus gives his thoughts of killing Caesar in William Shakespeare’s tragedy Julius Caesaract 2 scene 1. In Brutus’s soliloquy he reveals how Caesar â€Å"might change his nature† (4). Brutus also states â€Å"he may do danger† (8). What Brutus is referring to is if Caesar gets crowned he might abuse his power. Brutus is an honorable man who is for the people of Rome. Although this might not be his reasoning for killing Caesar. It may be that Brutus himself wants power. Therefore Brutus is willing to do anything necessary to get what he wants. The metaphor Brutus uses in his soliloquy is how Caesar may climb â€Å"young ambitions ladder† (13). Brutus repeats that Caesar is climbing a ladder to get what he wants. To repeat Brutus declares â€Å"whereto the climber-upward turn’s his face but when he once attains the upmost round he then unto the ladder turns his back† (14-16). To be sure Brutus wants to join the conspirators to kill Caesar, Brutus articulates how Caesar will turn his back on the people that he once used to get to the high place he wants to be at, which is the crown. â€Å"So Caesar may† (18). Which means Caesar might do all these bad things. Therefore Brutus thinks of Caesar as a â€Å"serpent’s egg† (23). Thus Brutus thinks it’s necessary to â€Å"kill him in the shell† (25). At the end of Brutus’s soliloquy Brutus has made up his mind to join the conspiracy and kill Caesar. There could be many topics from this quote but the two most important topics are projection and ambition. In this soliloquy Brutus projects how he feels about Caesar. In doing so, Brutus manipulates what Caesar actions to get what he wants. Brutus wants what is best for the people and himself and Brutus thinks that Caesar will do harm to the people if he is crowned. Brutus also suggests that Caesar will change and be a different person. Everything that Brutus projects about Caesar, Brutus is construing to his own fashion. To be correct Brutus states that Caesar is ambitious. Brutus implies that Caesar is striving for the crown. Although Caesar doesn’t show his ambition literally he shows it other ways. Granted that Brutus may also be ambitious, due to the fact that he wants to kill Caesar and join the conspiracy. Brutus says that Caesar is ambitious for power but that might not be the case. It might be that Brutus is more ambitious than Caesar for power. Brutus does not show how ambitious he is for power until the end of his soliloquy. In this soliloquy it shows how ambition can be a negative connotation because desires something. Brutus esires Caesar to die and to make him self seem like honorable man to the people. Although in reality Brutus is just trying to get one of his desires. And Caesars desires were the crown. If Caesar desires the crown then Caesar is in the way of Brutus’s desire. So therefore Brutus needs to think that killing Caesar is the right thing to do for himself. To conclude Brutus must kill Caesar to get what he desires the most. Although Brutus was not only influenced by his desires but the desires of Cassius. By the end of this quote it shows how Cassius projected Brutus’s thoughts of Caesar. Therefore Brutus must kill Caesar.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Hunger in Black Boy Essay

Hunger in Black Boy Have you ever experienced real hunger? The kinds of hungers that Richard experiences in Black Boy are not evident in the society where you and I reside. The present middle class citizens cannot really relate to true physical hunger. Hunger for most of us is when there is nothing that we desire to eat around the house and therefore skip one meal. This cannot even compare to the days that Richard endures without food. Physical hunger, however, is not the only hunger apparent in Richard’s life. Richard suffers from emotional and educational hungers as well. He yearnsfor such things as mere association with others and simple books to read. Both of which are things that most people take for granted. This efficacious autobiography, Black Boy, by Richard Wright manifests what it is like to desire such simple paraphernalia. From a very early age and for much of his life thereafter, Richard experiences chronic physical hunger. â€Å"Hunger stole upon me slowly that at first I was not aware of what hunger really meant. Hunger had always been more or less at my elbow when I played, but now I began to wake up at night to find hunger standing at my bedside, staring at me gauntly† (16). Soonafter the disappearance of Richard’s father, he begins to notice constant starvation. This often reappears in his ensuing life. The type of hunger that Richard describes is worse than one who has not experienced chronic hunger can even imagine. â€Å"Once again I knew hunger, biting hunger, hunger that made my body aimlessly restless, hunger that kept me on edge, that made my temper flare, that made my temper flare, hunger that made hate leap out of my heart like the dart of a serpent’s tongue, hunger that created in me odd cravings† (119). Because hunger has always been a part of Richard’s lifestyle, he cannot even imagine eating meat every day. This simple privilege would be a miracle to him, yet to most it is nothing. These weakening and piercing hungers are frequently evident where poverty dwells in the Jim Crow South. Furthermore, emotional hunger also represses much of Richard’s life. Richard desires attention from people. However, since he does not receive much of this at home, he does not really know how to associate with others. This provokes a problem when he leaves home because he cannot understand the friendliness of people around him. â€Å"Nevertheless, I was so starved for association with people that I allowed myself to be.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Court News Essay

Editorial Despite our report of the 30th November regarding her majesty’s speech to the House of Commons in which she stated she would act only for the good of her people, it has to be admitted that there is still an air of disquiet in the country regarding the future of the monarchy. The queen, although still in good health in body and mind, is now in her 68th year and the length of her reign is unprecedented. The future of a Protestant monarchy must be assured for the sake of the country, its stability and role in Europe. Around the World It is reported by our correspondent in Utrecht that a burgher of that city, one Oliver Van Noort, a former inn keeper, has recently completed a three year voyage in which he claims to have sailed completely around the world. His voyage, which he reported in a letter to the authorities in the Netherlands caused much excitement. Theatre News, by J. Q. Adams Mr William Shakespeare, author of such entertainments as ‘Julius Caesar’ which was well received, has this year come up with two new plays in contrast. The Merry Wives of Windsor’ is a light hearted comedy to lift the dullest spirits. It features that lovable rogue, Falstaff. , known of course from earlier works. This can be seen for the price of one penny every Monday and Tuesday at the Globe Theatre, Southwark. As this is such a popular play there will be extra boat men around to ferry passengers. For those of a more serious turn of mind the tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, the title role being played by Mr Richard Burbage and the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, will be performed on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Fashion K. Emerson Spain continues to be a major influence upon English fashions. The work of Mistress Dinghen Vanderplasse with her knowledge of starching methods continues to be important, especially as ruffs remain in fashion, though they tend to be on smaller scale than on previous years. Silk, hand knitted, stockings were a popular present for many ladies this Christmas past, including her majesty, despite the cold weather. The majority though still prefer stockings of cloth or wool for both durability and warmth. The farthingale, so popular at court, as can be seen in her majesty’s recent portrait, has been estimated to have reached a width of 48 inches in some cases. Will this impractical garment continue to be fashionable in the new century? Recent Legislation by E. Cubberley The recently enacted, and much needed, Poor Law is already bringing changes in our society. It says much for the legislature that they have taken such care to ensure the care of unfortunates. Poor children will be properly apprenticed and trained in a trade as well as in their letters.. The richer member of society will fulfill their social obligations by providing supplies for the poorer folk in difficult times. No more should we have to report upon poor waifs being found starved to death in harsh weather s happened last winter when the harvest was so poor. And think of the benefit to the country of so many young people properly equipped for a trade This, together with the stopping of the monopolies which favored only a few, will benefit all of her majesty’s subjects.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Lab report (Should we mine this ore) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

(Should we mine this ore) - Lab Report Example The experiment results proved that absorbance is proportional to the concentration. In relation to these, the experiment is related to Beer-Lambert Law which is the Beer-Lambert Law (A= Æ bC) is a combination of molar absorptive (e), sample concentration(C), solution thickness (b), absorbance (A). In this experiment, a standard curve was applied to determine and express the relationship between two quantities. In this case, the essay data is plotted to determine the concentration of the given substance .The Beer-Lambert Law can prove that the solution’s concentration is directly proportional to the solution’s absorbance. The Beer-Lambert Law is expressed as below: Furthermore, Absorbance= -log (%T) +2 is as well referred to as Beer’s Law. Percent transmittance and absorbance on the other hand was as well considered in this experiment. Absorbance represents the logarithmic measure of the level of light absorbed at a given wavelength as light passes through the solution. Furthermore, matter and light interaction also enabled us to further understand the basics of the lab experiment. Through Louis de Broglie theory and quantum physics, it is noted that matter and light interact through transmission, emission, reflection and absorption. Through data collection from multiple experiment trails, it can be employed to determine the percent transmittance. By definition, the percent transmittance is the intensities ratio of light through a medium to the initial light intensity. It can as well be employed to determine the relationship between the wavelengths and intensity passing through the solution. Percent transmittance is expressed as below: To determine the best acid to use from the analysis of the provided acid with the ore, firstly, 6M of the 3 acids and 3M of one acid were used to make 4 solutions with Cu (NO3)2.3H2O.In this case, 3M and 6M represented very strong acid concentration. The Cu(NO3)2.3H2O amount used that

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Media plan for carpooling in Qatar Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Media plan for carpooling in Qatar - Coursework Example At the end if the program, every probable customer within the region should be aware of the ride-share. The organization will recognize its customers as the first practice. Then the organization will encourage satisfaction amongst the customers. Lastly, the company intends to use a number of methods to retain the customers. Quality service provision and effective resources will be used as the main factors for promoting continuity among the customers. Indeed, customers will be willing to be served by the entities that provide outstanding services. The media plan is set to be implemented with decreasing intensity from the first time as the process continues. In the beginning, the marketing will take place in all the identified media to relay its intentions daily. The main media houses identified will be used as conduit to relay information to their subscribers through television broadcasts and radio announcements for the first three months. After the first operation of frequent announcements and broadcasts via the identified media, the company intends to advertise twice per month in the subsequent months. Finally the company will be advertising in a sequence of three months. Through its Instagram account, the company intends communicating the images of its products such as cars to the public. Most customers are attracted with whatever they see and this will form a successful means of advertisement. This will form the main form of advertisement since the current trends favor animations in the marketing industry. The main advantage of animations as advertisement tools are the comics involved and the reality depicted besides the outstanding fictions. Targeting the cinema halls is important since it reaches the potential customers